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MODULE 1( History of the internet/How the internet works); INTERNET AND CLOUD.

 What i learned from this TOPIC:

- The internet was first launched on October 29, 1969, as ARPANET, connecting four major computers at universities.

- In the 1970s, email was introduced, libraries were linked, and TCP/IP architecture was developed, standardizing information exchange.

- The internet became user-friendly in 1986 with the funding of NSFNET and the development of a user-friendly interface in 1991.

- Commercial use limitations were lifted in 1995, allowing rapid growth and diversification.

- Today, three billion people use the internet, with projections of 7.5 billion users and 500 billion devices connected by 2030.

- The internet works by using a packet routing network that follows Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP), ensuring consistent and reliable data transmission.

- When you access a website, your browser sends a request to the server, which sends data packets back, which are then reassembled by your browser.


What happens when you type a web address into your browser?

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