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MODULE 2: UI/UX DESIGN; Crafting Seamless Digital Experiences

MODULE 2: UI/UX DESIGN; Crafting Seamless Digital Experiences

Today's learning was on UI/UX. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are two distinct yet complementary disciplines that work together to create exceptional digital products.UI design focuses on the visual elements of an application or website, such as layout, typography, color schemes, and interactive components. The UI designer's primary responsibility is to ensure that the interfa...



A cloud deployment model essentially defines where the infrastructure for your deployment resides and determines who has ownership and control over that infrastructure. It also determines the cloud’s nature and purpose. The first port of call for any organization looking to adopt cloud services is to understand the available deployment models. Once these are understood, a better decision can be...

Understanding the Basics of Computer Networking: The OSI Model and Beyond

IntroductionAs a student in the CIL Academy Zero to Techie Cohort 11 program, I've recently completed two courses in Module 1 that have given me a solid foundation in computer networking. In this blog post, I'll share some of the key concepts I've learned, focusing on the OSI Model and the basics of computer networking. The OSI Model: A Framework for Understanding Network Communication One of th...


What I learned from this TOPIC.I learned about various types of cloud environments designed to meet different organizational needs:1. Public Cloud:   - Available to the general public on a pay-as-you-go model.   - Characteristics include a uniform infrastructure, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.   - Advantages include high availability, no upfront costs, and ease ...


What I learned from this TOPIC.From the article "On Premise vs. Cloud: Key Differences, Benefits and Risks," On-Premise vs. Cloud Basics:On-Premise: Software runs on company-owned hardware, offering control and security but requiring higher upfront costs and maintenance.Cloud: Software is hosted by a third-party provider, offering scalability, cost-efficiency, and accessibility but raising co...

MODULE 1: CLOUD COMPUTING BASICS (What is cloud computing) Part 2

What I learned from this TOPIC.1. Definition and Types: Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services over the internet. It includes public, private, and hybrid clouds, each serving different needs based on access, control, and security requirements.2. How It Works: Cloud computing involves front-end (client devices) and back-end (servers, databases) components connected via the int...


What I learned from this TOPIC.AWS offers a wide range of cloud services that can be combined to meet specific business needs. The services are categorized into:1. Analytics2. Application Integration3. Blockchain4. Business Applications5. Cloud Financial Management6. Compute Services7. Customer Enablement8. Containers9. Databases10. Developer Tools11. End User Computing12. Front-end web and mobile...

MODULE 1: CLOUD COMPUTING BASICS ( Security and Compliance) part 1

What I learned from this TOPIC. - AWS prioritises cloud security and compliance, building it into the core of its infrastructure.- AWS provides foundational services to help organisations meet their unique security requirements.- The AWS Cloud allows for scalability and innovation while maintaining a secure environment at a lower cost than on-premises environments.- AWS follows a shared respo...

MODULE 1: CLOUD COMPUTING BASICS ( Global Infrastructure?) part 1

What I learned from this TOPIC.- The AWS Cloud infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones.- An AWS Region is a physical location in the world where we have multiple Availability Zones.- Availability Zones consist of one or more discrete data centres, each with redundant power, networking, and connectivity, housed in separate facilities.- Availability Zones offer the ability ...

MODULE 1: CLOUD COMPUTING BASICS ( Cloud Computing Deployment Models) part 1

What I learned from this TOPIC.Cloud computing offers various deployment models, including:1. Cloud: Fully deployed in the cloud, with all parts of the application running in the cloud.2. Private Cloud (On-Premises): Deploying resources on-premises, using virtualization and resource management tools, providing dedicated resources but limited cloud benefits.3. Hybrid: Connecting infrastructure and ...